Treelantine Day

Treelantine Day

By Sikiladi

The love celebration time is back

The reds and teddy’s emerge from the sac

May I suggest a twist to the norm?

Let’s be aware and alter our track

A Valentine Day from behind the mask

And sanitizing those roses would be a task

Love must be expressed bearing social distance

Let’s gift the world a place for lovers to bask

Make the Valentine Day a ‘Treelantine Day’

Express love and care for our Global Mother this day

Mother Earth that nourishes unconditionally

Let’s give back a tree to her in our own way

Plant a tree or a couple of them if you wish

Paying St. Valentine a flourishing tribute in a swish

Giving love a more universal definition

Let’s touch the soul of soil feeling the squish

The pandemic has taught much appreciation

Some old practices of festivity need a renunciation

Upgrading the program of humanity within

Let’s admire and enrich a greener ‘environtation’

Nurture this love year by year if you fancy

Plant a fruit tree, a shade one or a floral fancy

If that not be your forte, so to say

Plant a hedge, a shrub, herbs or rose and pansy

    Plant a hedge, a shrub, herbs or rose and pansy

5 thoughts on “Treelantine Day

  1. Trelantine I say what
    A great idea to share
    Plant a tree any day
    Give to mother earth
    In gratitude rebirth
    A seedling for mirth
    Of seeds no dearth

    Nurture it and say ohm
    With love we can entomb
    Right into earths womb
    Pasha mamas so warm
    Water the mushy loam
    A tree from it will come

    Thank you Monica. It’s an idea worth spreading

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