I Bid You Adieu!

I bid you adieu

You came as a humble little child

Growing up in a large family

Learnt to live within the means

Fighting dark and dreary days

You learnt to burn the midnight oil

To be educated and come up in life

Your hard work and persistence on your side

You soon proved to the world..

That Nanalal the Charisma had arrived

Nanubhai the youngest brother of his siblings

Suddenly became Sakarben’s world of pride

For you fought fate and designed it to be great

The menial wage earner proved to be a learner

Paving your way through rough roads

You smoothened the path for many a folk

A carer with a career legislatively spun

Uplifting the trodden from the dungeon

You gradually became the Name in Society

Maintaining your ego with cultural sobriety

You read the phrase, “Work is Worship”

And lived by it till your very last day

Remembering the Good old days in simplicity

Of family bonding and friendships in ethnicity

You saddened at the loss of family members

And of giving away your age mates to death

Left to handle your own loneliness

You found solace in running through papers

Your table ever so occupied by documents

Organizing affairs of various organizations

Your charitable endeavors that you never spoke about

Philanthropy was the joy your heart did shout about

Guiding, advising, not charging and going against the norms

In the world of professionals you carried a different charm

You lived to tell the tales of yore to many

Inspiring individuals to humble characteristics uncanny

Simple eating and living were your identity

You built a rapport with a tender affinity

Yet, saying you did nothing in life

For you chose not to adorn any pedestals

You shall be missed greatly

But, we shall cherish your memories

Nanalal Sheth Uncle My kids grew up knowing you

As their Nanaji, their grandpa in many ways

My Loving Godfather and Kaka to Oh! So many

Sikiladi bids you adieu and wishes you well

As you move on to meet those 13 few

That you mentioned and missed every day

The vacuum that you have left

Shall be felt for days to come

Until we re-unite once again

When my turn comes

And I too merge in that One

To be as fortunate as you

Till then, I bid you adieu!


4 thoughts on “I Bid You Adieu!

  1. A very loving person and great personality.
    Was honoured to have met him one last time few days before his passing.
    May God bless his soul

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Monica I add my words to your words
    Seth Nanalal Seth I used those words
    Warmth,wisdom,work, those words
    Always reaching out in kind and words
    Come to you we leave with your words
    We ask you and you give guiding words
    Your Ishara came from your heart words
    You eyes said it all not just your words
    Another sight with your eyes not words

    Thank you for sharing this life with us
    Remember you fondly what you left us

    Liked by 2 people

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